PixelKitties on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/pixelkitties/art/Fallout-Lonesome-Road-Comic-300959713PixelKitties

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PixelKitties's avatar

Fallout Lonesome Road Comic



1. Write journal entry about how I don't have time to make comics.

2. Take break from actual work at work to make comic.

3. ??????

4. Profit.

I present to you the whole of my experience with the final Fallout New Vegas DLC, titled Lonesome Road.
Image size
1200x3847px 1.28 MB
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HectorBoloMK33FTW's avatar
I don't actually remember that much of this DLC, except maybe the end. I remember a lot of digging around for unique armor, shooting at Marked Men, then realizing I couldn't beat all the Deathclaws(might have forgotten my alien blaster). I opted to run screaming through the rest of the Divide. This only got worse when ED-E, my only companion through this whole thing, was stolen from me, and I had to run even faster because he wasn't there to help.